16 Mayıs 2010 Pazar

13th week post

This week was a beautiful week for us.On Monday we did a quiz about the story that Gülsen teacher gave us a week before.I read the story and understood it very well.In other word I supposed that I had understood it but I couldn't understood.While doing quiz anything did not come to my mind so I could not do it very well..:( On Tuesday it was our grammar lesson and our friends did their last presantations.On Wednesday we did some exercises and studied some listening skills in listening lesson.And on Thursday,our lesson was reading.We read a story which we are responsible for the exam and we researched its important sides and themes.Than we went to conference of our speaking teacher Rebecca Anderson and Pınar Karahan.It was too boring but I listened the whole speech of them and I tried to understand the topics that they told.And Friday was very beautiful for us because it was holiday..:) Our week passed so beautiful and I hope the last two week will go on like this week..:)

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