26 Mayıs 2010 Çarşamba


We have studied a year in Pamukkale University...And when have a look from the beginning of the year to these days ,we should ask ourselves :''Is it really a necessary year to have studied''...Actually it is not but if we talk about the year of course we have learnt something(!) that is really too much important(!). Thanks to the system of education for giving me such opportunity.And one should ask himself /herself:'' Am I the one who tries to be helpful for the student instead of the classical shedule of the school..''.. Thanks to the ones who have acted in such attitude...Thats all...!!!

16 Mayıs 2010 Pazar

13th week post

This week was a beautiful week for us.On Monday we did a quiz about the story that Gülsen teacher gave us a week before.I read the story and understood it very well.In other word I supposed that I had understood it but I couldn't understood.While doing quiz anything did not come to my mind so I could not do it very well..:( On Tuesday it was our grammar lesson and our friends did their last presantations.On Wednesday we did some exercises and studied some listening skills in listening lesson.And on Thursday,our lesson was reading.We read a story which we are responsible for the exam and we researched its important sides and themes.Than we went to conference of our speaking teacher Rebecca Anderson and Pınar Karahan.It was too boring but I listened the whole speech of them and I tried to understand the topics that they told.And Friday was very beautiful for us because it was holiday..:) Our week passed so beautiful and I hope the last two week will go on like this week..:)

6 Mayıs 2010 Perşembe

12th week

This week was a beautiful week for us.On Monday we studied argumentive essay and our teacher wanted to us to write an argumentive essay.Last Friday she had given a homework to us.It was about classification essay and we had to send this homework on that day via internet.But unfortunately I forgot because of my personal problems and I did not want to send it on Saturday because I thought Gülsen Teacher was not going to accept my homework.So I wanted to make up my mistake and I concentrated argumentive essay.I think I wrote a beautiful essay and Gülsen Teacher liked it so I am very happy.On Tuesday some of our friends did their grammar presentations and on Wednesday we presented our advertisements.All of us did very nice and worth to see advertisements.We enjoyed very much both while playing and while watching.And today we did a quiz but I could not do so I had to give my paper to the teacher because I read the wrong story that Gülsen Teacher had given to us.I am so sory for my fail..:( Our this week passed quickly and our final exams are coming closer so we began to exciting...

29 Nisan 2010 Perşembe

11th week post

Today we had an exam.It was reading exam so all of us had a stressful day.I hope every body had done the exam very well.Otherwise some of us can't manage to pass reading lesson including me.And also we had some fotocopies to study and on Monday we took one more fotocopy.Our teacher talked about the exam on Monday.Tuesday we continued the grammar presentations and some of our friends did their presentations.And Wednesday we had no lesson because half of the class did not come.Fulden teacher took us to SO-TE and she ordered meal to us.And then we chatted and talked about something.It was a beautiful day for us so thanks a lot to Fulden teacher...

27 Nisan 2010 Salı

10th week post

This week was very tiring for us because we had two difficult exams.One of them was grammar and the other one was listening exam.Grammar exam was a little easier than listening exam.I hope we will take good grades from them and the other exams are not going to be difficult...We also continued the cause and effect essay.At the end of the week,Friday we went to a picnic.This picnic was our first group organization and it was very well for us.We ate meal,played football and we spent our time nicely...I hope these organizations will go on and we will spent rest of our time in here before the summer holiday nicely...

22 Nisan 2010 Perşembe

9th week post

We continued to the cause and effect essay this week and we wrote an effect essay.We wrote about the effects of 17th August 1999 earthquake and this work reminded us how difficult that days were.It was not only an earthquake but also a black mark of TURKEY..:( This time we wrote as a group and it was a very profitable work for us.Because it is always good changing and sharing informations with each other.If a person write himself/herself ,he/she always thinks the same things and these same thoughts never help him/her so people need to change and think other aspects of a subject.Similarly,if a person write a subject always with the same person,he began to think like him and he began to copy from his thoughts.The same thing is also acceptable for the girls.When one of them always works with the same girl it is the same situation like boys.I think sometimes may be always we should study together and with different persons because when we are together a lot of different thoughts come together...:)

17 Nisan 2010 Cumartesi

8th week post

This week was very enjoyable and funny for me because I was at my hometown.I did a beautiful but short holiday.However I did a lot of things there such as going visits,seeing my relatives,etc.I was very excited while I was going to my hometown.When I arrived at there I felt very happy because I saw my family and other relatives.I ate a lot of beautiful meals so thanks a lot to my mother.She is really a good cooker.And also I went to visit my grandfather's grave and my other relatives.I enjoyed very much there but I had to come here so I seperated from them..:( Now I am in Denizli and I am going to concencrate to my lessons...